Living with neurofibromatosis
The announcement of a diagnosis of neurofibromatosis comes with uncertainty, stress and a wave of emotions. NF is a genetic disease that affects each individual differently: it can, therefore, be frightening in many ways. People with the disease and their loved ones have several questions. That's why it's so important to be supported in order to better understand this disease.

Who said having NF would prevent you from having a good life?
Living with neurofibromatosis is challenging. But it is possible to live a rich and fulfilling life!
Many people with NF enjoy a high quality of life despite the difficulties and unpredictability of the disease. It is estimated that around 50% of all people who develop NF inherit it from a parent, and the other half will develop the disease by chance, following a spontaneous genetic mutation. Every story is different and incomparable.
The ANFQ is there for you!
The ANFQ has set up several services to help people with NF and their families better understand the disease and support them on their journey. ANFQ is committed to providing information, support and resources to help them through this ordeal.
Treatments and research
Research into neurofibromatosis has made great strides in recent years. In Québec, we are fortunate to have doctors, scientists and researchers who are totally dedicated to NF. We are proud to support them in their research projects.
Together, we’re stronger
Since its very beginnings, the ANFQ has been committed to supporting people with NF and their immediate families, equipping them and giving them access to the services and resources they need to improve their conditions and quality of life. To date, we have succeeded year after year in setting up fundraising and rallying activities to break down the
taboos surrounding the disease, help healthcare professionals advance research and much more.
All this is possible thanks to the support and involvement of our wonderful NF community. Your dedication to the cause is a real source of inspiration and motivation, enabling us to continue the fight to end the disease by taking concrete action.